More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


Vaccine damages and vaccine reactions 2009 I

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Person / DOB

Pre-existing conditions


Vaccine reaction


C.A., 07.03.1966, female


Hepatitis A+B Twinrix

After the first dose, I had severe pains and swelling at the injection site. The swelling went back after a few days, but the pains in my upper arms are still there. In addition I had a slight headache, which, however, was constantly present. Before the second vaccination, had pointed out to the doctor that I still had severe pain in my arm, so that the lateral lift was scarcely possible. According to him, that would probably happen now and again, but is not a bad adverse reaction and would go away with time. After the second vaccination in the evening, I had gotten severe chills, fever, body aches, and almost unbearable headaches. At first I thought of flu, but this was very unlikely, since I had no other cold symptoms. The next morning I was barely able to move, because the limbs and headaches were so strong. During the day, the symptoms went back to fever and my limbs ached, the headache subsided somewhat. Also today, a month after the second vaccination, I still have constant severe headaches, which can only be subsided by analgesics; I have pain all over my body, and a less mobile arm. Also, I am suffering from constant fatigue and occasional dizziness symptoms. My doctor sees no relationship to the vaccine! I was not sure that I should continue with the third vaccination.


T.R, 26.09.2008, male


Infanrix hexa and Prevenar

Our daughter, 3 months old, received the second vaccination, sixfold, around 9.30 am. By 6 pm she had fever of 38.6 °, jerking sensation in the left arm, clenched her left hand and threatened to become fainted. The duration of this was 5 minutes.
In the hospital her status returned to normal. An MRI and subsequent EEGs showed no findings. After two hospital visits due to further seizures, these were focal and switched sides. After a lumbar puncture in the hospital she got 39.6 ° fever. Now she had two serious attacks involving the whole body, twitching of the arms and legs, flicker of the eyelids, and her tongue was hanging out. Only by means of administering three drugs to interrupt this, these being diazepam rektl 5 mg, Rivotril, and then to Valporin. Diagnosis was epilepsy. Exact nature is however unknown. All further investigations of this are now without end result. Medicative suggestion is Toparimat and Frisium and that is to be exchanged again when the bodily adjustment has been made on Toparimat. If she gets an infection today she gets spasms of his right hand, and twitching of her right arm. This is then Interrupted with diazepam. The seizures always occur with fever or an infection, and these, even without fever. Otherwise, no abnormalities, and no loss of consciousness. Anything else remains to be seen. So far, normal development. The neurologist expects the epilepsy to resolve itself.


L.M.R., 06.06.1994, weiblich


HPV-Impfung Cervarix v.Glaxo Smith Kline

On 29.9.08, our daughter got severe eye discomfort in the left eye, pain and redness. Swelling of the eyelids and double vision. Eye doctors suspected a strong allergy to the drug was also not helping the matter. Then she was taken to the clinic of Greifswald where she was hospitalized. The MRI had shown the diagnosis of a pseudo tumor, yet of unclear origin. She was treated with a 7 day IV treatment administering cortisone and antibiotics. At home, they continued this drug combination and was given orally. As she was only on 5mg we informed the doctor and nurse that she had gotten the 2nd vaccination at 23.10 08. On 1.11.08, the same symptoms were still persisting for 4 weeks. She was again carried for hospitalization to Greifswald, and the same 10 day treatment had taken place. Another MRI again showed a tumor on the eye at the outer eye muscles, whilst the 1 tumor was behind the eyeball. There had again been tests run for infections, viruses, bacteria and immune diseases, but all results were negative. Since our daughter has been taking cortisone 5mg she had been suffering from the 1st vaccine with stomach pain, headaches and concentration problems and fatigue, and depression among moodiness. As well as rapid weight gain due to the cortisone. On 27.2.09 she had again heavy redness and pain in the left eye. This time the MRI showed swelling however no internal suspicion of episcleritis. She has since been one week using cortisone eye drops and 5mg oral cortisone. None of the doctors know how to deal with this. But some doctors said there might be a causal relationship.
Perhaps you can give us any information as to what we can do for our daughter for future circumstances, as such damage will cause her to not be able to attend vocational education, and can this cause permanent damage? We feel so helpless and would prefer sue the vaccine manufacturers and not file a complaint against our good family doctor as she had meant well in intent. We had also received 1 simple clarifying brochure however there not were no possible side effects listed.


H.F., 22.12.1984, female

chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome


In January 2008 I had gotten the first HPV vaccine. Seconds after the vaccination it was dark before my eyes and I had to lie down in the doctor’s office. The doctor said it was psychosomatic, as I'm afraid of injections. But this can definitely not be, because I have a chronic disease and have been receiving weekly injections administered several times a year, without my becoming dizzy nor that I was afraid! I have never, in my life, become this dizzy after a shot, why should I now suddenly be afraid of a syringe and all of the sudden have psychosomatic reactions? After twenty minutes I could stand up again and went home. One and a half hours later, I fainted in the kitchen and fell with my head on the tile floor. I very seldom get unconscious!
From that day if vaccine, I had, for about two months psychological problems that I had not ever had before the vaccination! I was inwardly very restless, completely unbalanced, and uneasy; I started to cry about every little thing, had anxiety attacks and was shaking. None of these symptoms I had before the vaccination and there was no external cause for these symptoms either, so I can only see a link to the vaccine! After two months, these symptoms disappeared.
I could not find a doctor any more, who was willing to give me the second dose of vaccination. However, no one wanted to sign my complaints either.
These vaccinations are advertised everywhere like crazy, every doctor wants to vaccinate every one of their patients - but when a problem occurs, no doctor is willing to take responsibility for the next vaccination anymore. But that not one doctor to whom I had had reported the problems to, (3 different ones ...) reported the issue. I do not think such conduct is right.


J.J., 08.12.1989, female



I got my first injection on 30.04.07. The other two were administered on 17.07.07, and on 07.02.08. About one week after the 26.10.07 vaccine, it all started, I became depressed. A week earlier I was still a very happy man. Within one day to the next, I fell into a deep black psychological hole where I sat for about half a year.
I didn’t at the beginning understand at all what was wrong with me. I was simply desperate, I was feeling very bad, and that was only the beginning. I did not know where to place my thoughts and began to cut myself. The scars I am still wearing today, and I don’t think that they will go away so quickly either.
It got worse. I often thought of suicide, whilst a very thin thread to life was still holding me. Eventually, I got scared of myself when I was in the bathroom and I wanted to cut my wrists. I then still didn’t completely trust myself and still do not, I decided to enlist myself into a psychiatric clinic. Since I turned myself in on my own reconnaissance I could come and go whenever I wanted to, and I did so after two weeks. I was very desperate; I did not know how I should get out of this hole again.
What I did to my family, you can imagine. My parents were sick with worry, they did not know how to help me, that, nobody knew, not even myself
The school I was in had canceled my classes. I wanted to finish school, have now the standard school. Normally I would have completed my higher educational standard by now.
After I came out of the hospital, everything even went further downhill. I was now completely confused, and I saw no point in life whatsoever. One cannot verbalize the psychological pain that I had, I cannot really put into words, even though I would like to very much.
Round about April, it all got better very slowly, but it took a lot of months until I could say of myself: ” I am doing okay! " I'm still do not know how I got out of the mess I was in, but the only thing that really only matters to me is that I'm alive . Right now I am very happy, compared to before. Inside scars remain, of course, but these will also eventually disappear.
Of course I cannot prove that my depression was a side effect of the HPV vaccine, but it is very close.
I've also heard this only a few months ago. My mother found out that several young women, after their vaccination, had the same results as I did. That’s what made me so suddenly aware of something. I wish I would have never have been vaccinated


M.T., 19.02.2007, male


Prevenar and Infranrix

After the third vaccination (18.09.2007), our son had gotten high fever and then pneumonia and had to the intensive care unit of a hospital. The Medical Superintendent had conducted no investigation at that time as to whether the pneumonia possibly occurred in „sequence" of the vaccination, even though we were in the „suspicion of such".
Following a combo vaccine (Prevenar and Infranrix), which took place three days before our son had gotten high fever. Because the fever persisted and we were constantly running to the doctor it had then been diagnosed as a severe pneumonia. This may be a coincidence. Now he has again shown a response. See next entry. Is this a vaccination damage?


*.*., female



I was 24 years old when I became my first vaccination, they told me that up to the age of 26 years such a vaccination would make sense.

Even the insurance paid my half of the costs; I thought I would actually have to pay this completely myself.

The first two vaccinations are took a normal course without too much discomfort.
So I went on 13.01.2009 the last time to get the vaccination (with my General Practitioner), this was the last shot of the HPV vaccine.

Following this vaccination, I became very seriously illness, purulent sinus infection, sore throat, nausea, tinnitus, headache, and I had slept for almost the whole day because I was so worn out and very daylight sensitive. ( I was free of all symptoms at the time of vaccination)

The family doctor had said, that this was not resulting from the vaccination, but it was instead a virus or an infection. And I took an antibiotic Clindamycin 600mg.
Only slowly I felt better and as I was feeling better, I continued with my daily life as usual.

But then three weeks after the vaccination. Suddenly appeared at the vaccination site on a large deep Bump and a terrible pain in the shoulder, so that I could no longer move without pain, so I went to the doctor.

The family doctor referred me to an orthopedic surgeon, this doctor did an ultrasound. I could barely pull myself up due to the pain. Two dark circles were indentified, he suspected a syringe abscess.
I was on sick leave for 2 days and I should cool the shoulder and if it didn’t get better to come again. He had not prescribed me anything! I then cooled the shoulder all day and made homemade curd wraps.

Since it did not get better after a week I went to another orthopedist.
He immediately prescribed the Antibiotic Cipro Beta 500mg; I had been placed on one week sick leave and he also suspected and diagnosed a syringe abscesses, made an X-ray and ultrasound.

I also had gotten a shoulder bandage. This doctor took ample time for to diagnose me, a doctor with a heart. (He even shortened his lunch break when I needed his help again, and even helped me put on the bandage.) He provided me with a bright day during my pain and gray time.

But it was unfortunate, I merely felt better after three days, now the entire left arm ached, with every movement it hurt. Although I had followed instructions all that week, I cooled it and was in bed all day, I felt really weak and totally confused, little things like showers had become a huge huge task for me. I slept almost all day.

Then end of the week I called the physicians again, the orthopedic surgeon and the general practitioner, because the pain was getting worse. Both had the same thoughts and sent me to a surgeon for orthopedics. The same day I went in for an appointment.

The surgeon wrote me on a three days sick leave again and said I do not need to come back. Since he could not do anything, because he cannot cut the whole arm open and to him it does not look like syringe abscess. He did prescribe me painkillers.

I came a few days later into his office, for the first time the pain had been a little bearable and I came down to two diclo tabs per day and could dress myself with a sweater. He put me on sick leave again till the end of the week.

I had hoped that by now the pain would go away by itself and went to work again this week with bandage yet it still continues even when my arm is completely still.

However, the pain is now back and now as bad as in the beginning, only difference; it feels to me as if someone is taking a knitting needle and is stabbing it into the back and it does not matter whether I have my arm still or not.

The shoulder is swollen and the feeling is now as if its slowly disintegrating inside, it feels like a burning sensation inwardly and as if its dissolving. I also have ringing in the ears from this vaccine, it feels as if I fade in and out and that comes suddenly and then goes away just as quick.

I change my clothes three times a day because I'm completely soaked of sweat. Small things that I would otherwise be able to do without a due are still a big task for me. I feel totally overrun as if every day a train has rolled over me, I find it very difficult to keep things in order, and my memory is just a little too short. That's totally unusual for me, as I usually am a very highly organized, gratifying and reliable person.

All this makes me very scared and I hope that it has a happy ending. And I hope someone can help me, to finally stop the evil pains these and gives me a clear honest answer as to what is happening with my body!


K.B., 11.02.1989,



I remember it exactly as if it were yesterday; it was when I was in the 4th Grade. I had been vaccinated against tetanus. I had generally already been afraid of vaccinations, but this pain in my arm, when the dose spread itself, I will never forget. My pediatrician said it would be quite normal and I had already also completely tensed up. The other two or three days I felt my arm all the way to my hands hurt like hell. It was a spasmodic pain and I could do little with my hands because it made it even more hurt. I told my mother, but even they said I should even give a little time and it would certainly be over soon. More so, my mother said, it is my left arm, so I can write quite normal for school and so forth. The day after the vaccination, in school we had singing class and had to position ourselves in the class to practice a song. Suddenly I got the pain from the upper arm all the way to my head and I was dizzy. Shortly afterwards it was dark before my eyes and I woke up laying on the floor. "I was very sick for a long time and I felt dizzy, however my mother did not believe me, it came from the vaccine. I had never blacked out prior nor after that vaccination. When I was in the 8th grade I was supposed to be vaccinated again and I was terrified. Somehow I got around it, but now they want me to be get vaccinated this year in school. I do not want this! Everyone around me says it is very important, especially because I work with and around horses.


C.G., 21.06.1977, female

FSME-Immun Baxter

On the same day of vaccination, I only felt fatigue. A day later, I had severe pain in my knees. Now I still have foot pain, headache and swollen hands. I hope these side effects disappear. It was a re-vaccination of Baxter. Before that I was vaccinated with Encepur and my body had tolerated that much better.


G.K., 02.01.1953, female

Twinrix, Td-pur, Polio

Before traveling abroad, I had been advised by my General Practitioner about needed vaccines. He advised me to carry out a so called preventive vaccination against hepatitis A + B. Because I trusted him, I let myself not only get vaccinated against Hep. A + B, but also, had gotten the vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus, and polio. It was absolutely advisable, he concluded. Unfortunately, I didn’t question his opinion at the time. The vaccination itself was not carried out by a doctor but rather by his assistant. That was in Aug. and Sept. 2003.

Within the month of this vaccination my back pains increased, I had suffered previously of, however after the vaccine it became so bad that I needed facet infiltrations (cortisone injections).

3 weeks after the last vaccination (approximately mid-September 2003) I aquired a strong reddish, painful, thick, swollen joint inflammation in the right middle finger and the right index finger was affected as well, although not quite as strong as the middle finger. Since I was by that time in a foreign country, I was not even considering it to be possible result of the vaccination. I also went to a doctor and waited for betterment. The symptoms subsided.

In August 2005, ergo: 2 years after the vaccination, the complaints started in the right shoulder (shoulder-arm syndrome), I tortured myself for a year by means of various treatments. Every so often these pains appeared again, and again pain in the left abdomen, which I finally did have checked by means of colonoscopy (September 2006): everything okay, they said. The pain, however, persists to this day, unexplainably.

Nearly three and a half years later, numbness and diffuse tingling feeling occurred on both legs inside ascending up to my navel and under the soles of the feet and on all fingers of both hands. At the same time, I had severe shoulder pain again, this time on the left side. I had a three-week hospital stay followed by treatment with cortisone. The discomfort in the legs improved (or seemed to be misplaced!) For that betterment the symptoms in my fingers slowly worsened, because now both hands and forearms to the elbow were affected (pain, discomfort, burning and, numbness, tingling) awkwardness. Since you need your hands for anything one does, anyone can probably imagine how most unpleasant and difficult, and ultimately how depressing this was for me. I am also sensitive to heat since the occurrence of these symptoms, which means for me that I cannot put myself under a warm shower or take a warm bath, but I can only wash with cold water. I can no longer tolerate the sun on my skin; I feel it like a thousand pins are pricking me. Just a few steps in the sun are for me, extremely uncomfortable. In the MRI scans of the head showed small internal lesions, the cause could not be medically explained.

Other complaints I have since these vaccinations are: dizziness, itching, sometimes intense itching as in hives, headaches (never previously never had any!), Performance and general lack of energy and bodily weakness, constant fatigue and insomnia anyway (I had previously always been very agile man who had an excellent night’s sleep), pain in my left upper arm and the sensation of a having a concrete arm and again swelling of where the vaccine injection site was, with troublesome itching and redness, and limitation of movement of the same arm.

Finally, it should be mentioned, that I have never had any prior allergies.


D.H., 27.11.2008, male

Infanrix , Prevenar

My son had received his first two vaccinations on 17.02.09 and about 4 hours later he had about 39.1 degree fever, he cried bestial and was very fatigued. During changing his diapers he would shrug again and started to cry. I also noticed that his thighs were very bloated.
I then phoned the hospital and reported what had happened; the nurse then had told me if his fever continues to climb higher then we should immediately bring him to the hospital. The day after that, he was still very weak and tired.


S.H., 23.05.1975, female



My current age: 33 years old

With just under 1 years old: smallpox vaccine.
Then 1 week continued with fever above 40 degrees, smallpox rash all over my body, they are healed with remaining scars.

With 4 years of age huge cold sores a joined with bleeding of the mouth, hands and soles of my feet and light-sensitive eyes. Refusal of food and drink. Great pain. General practitioner treated this with antibiotics.

Childhood every few weeks very large cold sores (2 cm in size) with disfiguring swelling of the mouth, stomach pain and gum infections.

During my whole childhood / puberty I had massive abdominal cramps, conventional medicine however found no cause.

From 19 years of age massive sacrum pains. Daily! Correction of the sacral joint repeatedly postponed, and the consequent scoliosis of the spine. Constant freezing (at 25 degrees room temperature I had blue toes).

Improvement after administration of Thuja Q30 (homeopathy). Unfortunately, I had found this non-pox homeopathy now at 33 years of age. I could have saved myself a lot of suffering.


C.G.-Z., 13.07.72,


Td-pur 0,5 ml Ch.-B:044101A

As early as five hours after the vaccination, severe pain in the upper arm, then in my lumbar area ascending to the neck. Pain in the upper arms and abdominal muscles, later tingling in the fingers (complete tightness of the hull). After four days of pain and weakness in the legs. On the fifth day of my hospitalization in the neurology department. No inflammation in the CNS, treatment with painkillers and muscle relaxants - no improvement. After one week of treatment with cortisone, short-term improvement, but all the symptoms came. Today - after three weeks – I still have aching muscles along the spine and the upper arms, tingling in the fingers, stiffness in the neck, back and weakness in my legs. The neurologist said that it looked like a clinically polymyalgia, but my blood work is completely okay. My family Practitioner and I are perplexed. Since the day after the vaccination, I´m unable to work.


L.F., 09.06.92, female


Last year on 07.01.2008 I got at the 3 injections against HPV.
2-3 weeks later I noticed the first symptoms such as weakness, nausea, panic attacks and anxiety. I pulled myself back out of my life and was greatly depressed although this disease is not in our family and there are no reasons for me to be depressed. Also, I got my period once every 3 months, if at all. Doctors could not help me and I was labeled as depressed teenager. I got anxiety attacks and headaches these would last for weeks, sometimes more sometimes less bad. My blood levels were checked more than 1 time, had ECG and EEG made, all were normal. Nevertheless, I felt worse and worse and was not able to go to school. (That was torture for 6 months). Only when we consulted a Naturopath we were helped. It was noted from 2 practitioners that my body did not tolerate the vaccine. My pituitary gland is not producing enough hormones, so I became depressed and came into a menopause. At 16!
By homeopathic / natural means that vaccination had to be taken out from my body. Nevertheless, back to me, very slowly I am getting better. Only after half of a year I could go back to school because my immune system was destroyed, afterwards my liver had to go thru a detoxification process. Today I feel better but it will still take a few weeks until I'm fit enough to participate in the life.
It was the worst time spent in my life and no one deserves that type of torture. One would initially think it is good if such a vaccine actually has a purpose, after all it protects only 3-5 years and merely protects against HPV 70 & Viruses (what I've also come to learn).


C.I., 9.7.1983, female


As a baby, I got the first tetanus vaccination in my leg. For me, it felt like the whole fat tissue was dead around the inoculation site and it has left scars. Healing took time! This scar tissue has grown along with my aging. Today, as a grown woman I now have a great scare, depth with the diameter of a 5 - piece Franc - on my thigh. In addition there are 2 „small" well like lumps. In 5th.grade I got a booster shot – however extra deep into the thigh muscle to prevent another dying of fatty tissue. I had to walk the next day with great pain in my leg to school and then simply fell asleep. I had the pain a few days and I felt quite weak. Since then I have never allow to be vaccinated again and each time I have to have an extensive discussion about this with the family physician.


C.K., 04.12.1992, female


The first injection was made 10/07. After the second vaccination, 1/08 the following reaction occurred:
Swelling of the arm. Catherine was previously a talented mid to long distance in track and field runner. Her performance decreased greatly. The symptoms went from breathing difficulties to severe cramps while running. Her iron levels (ferritin) had fallen so rapidly that she had to have infusions. Hardly an improvement. Catherine is now at a medical practitioner conducting the electro-acupuncture according to Voll. The kidney, heart and liver are heavily contaminated with mercury. In addition, Catherine is strongly inhabited with Candida fungi.
It will be dealt with in 2 weeks with Bioresonance and we hope for success that the toxins can be eliminated.


K.T., 19.05.1954, female

4-fach-Impfung Repevax

Vaccination was administered 10 o`clock am
- After 10 hours of feeling the heaviness and slight pain in my arm, in the further course of the evening and the night the pain was reinforced massively, so I no longer could take a shower. During the night I could not sleep because of severe pain for minutes on end.
- Day 1 after inoculation (after 24 hours), severe pain, could not even brush my teeth, wash or spread the bread with butter.
The swelling looked for to be worrying about. It is about the size of the egg of a hen and is slightly reddened. In addition, I had chills, nausea and dizziness. I began with cooling and some pain relievers. Stayed in bed.
- Day 2 after vaccination. Pain unchanged, slept only for no more than 2 hours. Medicine attempts: paracetamol and aspirin after a few hours the pain has eased, somewhat.
- Day 3 after vaccination. Pain shifts from the arm to the shoulder and were even stronger. Attempts today ibuprofen because acetaminophen has also had very little effect. My arm feels useless. So I stayed in bed more. Have not slept. At night, mad pains, not knowing how I should feel.
- Day 4 after vaccination. Again, did not get sleep, pain unchanged. Medicine attempts today: diclofenac. (1x 100mg)
- Day 5 after vaccination. Significant reduction of pain and swelling. Next take diclofenac. Is the first time I can get up and wash up. Expect to be able to return to work tomorrow.


M.B., 12.4.1953, female

Influsplit SSW 2008/2009

I was vaccinated against influenza on 25.11.08 by my family doctor.
What I`d like to say right up front is: One should be able to anticipate, that I was not sufficiently, as a patient, informed of possible side effects and the risks of a flu vaccination - prior to the vaccination.

For any medicine purchased in a drugstore, a brochure or leaflet on the risks and side effects is handed out to the customer. Even with dietary supplements such leaflets have been established.

But when I go to my family doctor of confidence, he simply administers a vaccination, without having to inform me of the ingredients. Nor is he required to hand me a leaflet explaining any possible side effects, so that I may inform myself in order to make a qualified decision, as to if I even want such a vaccine to begin with.

Such information in forefront is withheld on purpose, because the doctor already knows the patient will not want a flu vaccine, if they knew what’s in the product. A great source of income in money is then lost that way. Considering he must calculate and order his stock from the pharmaceutical industry beforehand.

So much for that!
Well, I has been vaccinated on 25 11.08 for influenza, the vaccine was Influsplit SSW 2008-2009. Until that time I had been completely healthy!
After 23 days, the sleep disturbances began, these were getting worse by the day, on 24 December 2008, I could not go to asleep at all anymore. At 11 pm when I tried to go to sleep, I was awake at the same time every night at 2:00 o`clock in the morning. Getting rest was no longer possible for me after that.

I had never prior to this vaccination had sleep difficulties whatsoever.
When I would lay in my bed, I fell asleep after only 5 minutes and slept through for 7 hours.

From 31.12.08 to 4.1.2008 I had not gotten any whatsoever sleep day and night, I had remained in a waking state. I was in the emergency room twice, in various hospitals, once the paramedics had to come.

My doctor simply looked at me in awe, and the paramedics and a doctor at the hospital also, each said that this cannot be the result of such a vaccination.
Only one doctor in the hospital at the Humboldt Hospital took it up in their logbook for further investigation. To this day I cannot sleep through the night; I decided to let a neurologist examine me. Since this occurrence I cannot sleep at all without sleeping aid.

During all sleepless nights, I sat at my computer and researched what are contents in ingredients of some vaccines are, which have been deliberately kept secret from me as a patient, and these can not be identified on a package insert.

Considering after the vaccination, I then knew what the generic names of the vaccines was which they injected me with. The leaflet I got from the Internet. It was not openly available for me as a patient, but rather on a site for physicians, namely for expert information obtainable only for physicians. That’s how I found out!

Information leaflet - Influsplit SSW_ 2008/2009 MANUFACTURER GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, affiliate of SmithKline Beecham Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Zirkusstr. 40
01069 Dresden

Active substance:
Influsplit SSW 2008/2009 is inactivated by formaldehyde and sodium deoxycholate Split influenza vaccine

Formaldehyde is a poison!

Other ingredients:
Sodium chloride, disodium _12H2O, 80/Octoxinol polysorbate 10 (Tween 80/Triton X-100), sucrose, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, RRR-a-Tocopherolhydrogensuccinat,
Potassium chloride, magnesium chloride
_6H2O, Formaldehyde, Natriumdesoxycholat, traces of Gentamicinsulfat and water for injections. Pneumovax 23 Other product


M.*., 16.06.2007, female


My daughter started 3 weeks prior to vaccination with walking. She was a little happy, balanced and inquisitive girl.

The day of vaccination (same evening of): she was very tearful / affectionate, had general uneasiness, could only calm her down when I`d carry her around. She appeared sickly and weak. Her walking success suddenly went retro. She`d fall with almost every step. This continued for several weeks, actually until today.
7 days after vaccination she had very high fever (40°) and remained at that degree approx. 3 days, in spite of fever reducer there was no improvement.

Since then, she has suffered from lack of concentration, constant ailments of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, pneumonia), often very tearful, she has sleep problems (which until the vaccination she had not a problem with), now she has aggressive behavior sometimes (especially against me) or expresses other outbursts of anger.

This was her last vaccination, there will be NO further ones administered!!


S.F., 1994, female


Even immediately after the vaccine my daughter had severe nausea attacks and a feeling of falling into a black out over several hours. She had approximately for 4 days a hard, swollen, aching arm, coming from the injection site.
After the second vaccination, there were the same symptoms however stronger, for several hours her inability concentrate was affected and one had effort to understand a sentence. Later she had joint pain. We will not have the third vaccination made.


J.K., 15.03.1973, female

Tetanus Merieux

Vaccination after deep cut injury on my left hand, in the evening had to call an ambulance, my last vaccination against tetanus had been 10 years old. Approx. 36 hrs. after inoculation (in my left arm) pain in the shoulder / upper arm, movement had been only in very limited possibilities for the feeling of pain even in position of rest. Injection site was not swollen nor red. Slight improvement after 14 days due to Bioresonance Therapy (test for aluminum and formaldehyde was positive, initiated excretion). Family doctor is still diagnosing "local shoulder inflammation", orthopedist has been recommended and diclofenac prescribed.


Z.Y., 13.01.1984, female


Initially pain at the injection site and headache, prolonged pain in the injection site, pain throughout the arm. Approximately as of 1 month after vaccination until now the 1st headache continued (about a year after the complete vaccination), severe nausea (vomiting, stomachache), weak and powerless, black out, chills and trembling, vertigo, paralysis in the face and the fingers, neck area, as well as tingling in the arm (in which the vaccine had been administered), feeling as if blood is not flowing properly, pressure in the thorax, breathless. Most common symptoms were weekly but are always recurring, dizziness, nausea and numbness.


C.L.S., 26.09.2008, female

Infanrix hexa

Our baby was 14 weeks old when she had gotten her first 6-fold vaccination.

She screamed so badly, to where it felt as if someone was choking my throat - but then I was only able to calm her directly by holding her close to me and all was well.
That night she slept extremely long ... from 10 pm till 10 am.

Then it took 2 days for me to be able to get her back to sleep in her own crib. She was overly affectionate and didn’t want to be alone in her bed and cried constantly. She would also scream out of the blue in her sleep - she had previously never done so priorly.

I gave her globules of Dr. Bach, a Bach Flower mixture called Rescue Remedy. That helped a little bit and slowly but surely got her back to her old rhythm, however she hasn’t slept in as usual (6:30 am. / 7:00 am) but always woke up at 4:00 instead. I was grateful that she was becoming herself again, sleeping in her bed / and not just lying face down on my chest with me in my bed.

Exactly a week later, she was then sick. She got a rattle and squeaking noise during breathing. However, at that point no fever! I can still remember well, the doctor asked whether she can be vaccinated because, as she had a slight cold. That would be no problem; was said by the doctor.

I went with her straight away to another doctor and obstructed bronchitis was diagnosed: was told every 2nd baby at the moment is currently brought into the office with this disease.
We now inhale the solution containing 0.9% NaCl once a day, diluted with 2 ml of water (which she does not like at all) and she takes cough syrup (Hedelix).


Until now, her condition has not improved. The rattle and buzzing is very bad and she cries too much and sleeps out of exhaustion after such whooping attacks. Her fluid intake has decreased and I have to literally force her to drink.
The cough up is also often accompanied by highly viscous mucus and vomited milk I breastfeed.
More so, I think that she has pain when she leans her upper body up to be burped, and then she starts to protest and cry.

Even if she coughs she often cries afterward, to me it seems as if it hurts her to do so. In the evening she whines and gives me real scream concerts: (On Monday I will directly go to the doctor again, because this is not improving, and she is really suffering.

I am so mad at myself for having her vaccinated, despite her cold symptoms! I should not have done so ,.... after all I have read in


D.R., 1984,



1st. Vaccination:

Approximately 1 week after the vaccination severe bronchitis, fever, swollen lymph nodes, approximately 3 weeks later, during menstruation rash on the chest and abdomen.

2nd Vaccination:

A few days afterwards, severe tonsillitis and fever, swollen lymph nodes; During 2nd vaccination, I also had a normal examination by a gynecologist with lab work done. A few days after the 2nd. vaccine my gynecologist called me; I had a Staphylococcus aureus, had then become antibiotics. I told him about my Symptoms. The skin rash was triggered signs of a toxic shock syndrome from tampons (staph aureus). This was probably caused by the large immune deficit after the vaccination. Since then I cannot use tampons any more. I several months after vaccination, still feel totally limp.

The 3rd. vaccination I have forbidden both the domestic doctor as well as a gynecologist to administer.


I.B., 22.01.35, female

FSME Immun

On the 17.1.08 I received the third FSME vaccination in the left. upper arm. Severe burning pain during injection. My left side in pain for weeks afterwards. (Front upper arm, where the bow-and stretch noticeably run). Referral for MRI and to Sports physician. MRI supposedly showed partial tear of the supraspinatus tendon. I had absolutely no accident nor shoulder strain at that time, the physician denied a connection to the vaccination. The doctor gave me cortisone 4 injections to temporarily relieve the pain and prescribed massages, hot mud packages and then the pain intensified, the doctor advised me to arthroscopy. Laser irradiation has now been administered for 14 days and the pain got worse, so that I could hardly sleep at night again. I researched into the subject using the internet; among other things the found results have been shoulder infection which, among other things is caused by bacterial injections. The described symptoms are the same as in my case. I recently visited a neurologist (I was late for a neurological treatment) he explained to me the supraspinatus tendon is in a complete different section of my body, than what I was priorly told. Now I am trying homeopathy, after I have gained all the experiences of many FSME advocates. Including my own appointment for the arthroscopy. I have experienced aches lasting a total of


S.E., 28.05.1980, male

Typhim Aventis Pasteur

14 days with a severe flu like symptoms, ergo: severe joint pain, fever, etc.


G.P-J., 20.10.1961,



Vaccination in 1990, in Austria.

Nerve inflammation: pain on the left side of head over my shoulder down through the arm. Visited an ENT physician and neurologist – Diagnosed: all OK. At the time, I did not recognize a connection with the vaccination. Only years later as a doctor refused to administer a booster shot with the reason: the vaccine would have more potential side effects than benefits, is when it dawned on me!
19 years later, I remain very sensitive in my neck area and always must wear a hood. In general since then, I feel very tired and need


H.-J.H., 18.06.1943,


Chronic Sinusitis


1 day after the vaccination, I got a headache, sore throat, mild fever and I was not feeling well at all, I felt intoxicated. All in all my general health since then has yet been restored.
My family doctor, who also did not inform me about possible side effects, said that he has never heard of such symptoms. During consultation afterwards with me, that these side effects are not rare in combination with Revaxis (info sheet of the manufacturer), but yet frequently noticed, and that I would have expected to be informed by him, I was told " he would have too much to do, if he should also read all pertaining information of each drug, as a recommendation for the pain I should take ibuprofen”. I take them and they help me sometimes, but with side effects like indigestion.

I really only wanted to have a tetanus booster and my general practitioner advised the Revaxis. I now hope every day I will get better soon. I am now very sensitive to medications. I have lots of friends that claim problems related to Revaxis - Vaccinations and behold, from the respondents only one did not experience any side effects and all others had some similar side effects like mine. I wish all of you a speedy recovery.


D.O., 1973, female

FSME Encepur








First injection June 07, second vaccination July 07 - after severe joint pain, fatigue, anxiety, severe muscle twitching, glandular pains. After doctor visits the blood tests suggested no salmonella. The doctor said it would most likely be an infection – denied that it could come from the vaccination. It was followed by a breast cancer test since to me, in that area there appeared to too much pain and I felt tired all the time. After the 3rd vaccination (January 08) then racing of the heart, very strong joint pain and blurred vision in my left eye. A “VETERINARIAN” then told me that this may very well come from the vaccination (carrier side effects) of the vaccine, the doctor of course denied ever knowing of such! Another follow up was made, hormone tests - everything was ok, however no one could help me, it was almost a year or so! I was at the end of my wits and then went to a natural healer, they also touched base on the vaccination and they advised me to detoxify my body and to allow my metabolism to regenerate itself. (I went 3x per week to a sauna and a metabolic program) After about 5 weeks I felt MUCH better, the joint pains were gone, as well as the rapid heartbeat. What still remains now is the visual disturbance, and now and then a muscle twitching. My concern now compared to almost half a year far back is fine - but I will have NEVER get a vaccine again! The detoxification, I can only recommend it! For questions or information if you`d like to contact me:


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