More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


Vaccine Damages and Vaccination Reactions 2008 IV

Report your own case



Name, Date of birth, gender

Previous illnesses


Reaction to vaccine / vaccine damages


H.G., 09.05.1974, female

Middle ear infection


I had my gynecologist administer the vaccination. I was transferred to my family doctor, where I landed the next day because my ear infection was killing me and I thought I was going to go crazy. This doctor had my blood checked, prescribed ibuhexal 800 mg and cec 500 mg, an antibiotic. Today I am going for a check-up and I was asked if I had an alcohol problem because my liver values are so high. No one was interested in the fact that I was at home in bed and screaming out loud because I was in such pain. I have worked all my life and have never had an alcohol problem and they’re treating me like I am a welfare case.


The truth is that the vaccination caused a neurological shock and left me paralyzed on my left side; my eye is still swollen and my left ear still hurts (I am treating it with quark). On Wednesday they are giving me an HIV test because 60-year-old women get that test, too.

Is this Germany??????????

I sent the doctor a fax so that her staff could read it, too. That’s the only way you can defend yourself.


L.M.A., 23.11.2005, female



3 days after the MMR vaccination my daughter came down with a fever (38.2) which didn’t really worry me. But since this day she is unable to fall asleep alone and wakes up every night. She wants to get up at 5 am because she can’t sleep any more. Before she had her vaccination my daughter slept from 8 pm to 8 am without waking up. She cries a lot now, too.


A.H., 26.03.1987, female


Twinrix (Hepatitis A+B)

I was vaccinated against Hepatitis and Tetanus in June 2006 because I was going to vacation in Thailand and Dubai and was recommended to have these vaccinations. I was always fit as a fiddle and suddenly, in December 2006, I had episodes of paralysis, problems with my equilibrium, dizziness, tingling, mood swings and double vision. I couldn’t even walk right after a couple of days. Then the diagnosis: MS. I had an infection site in my brain and 2 in my spinal cord. Of course they gave me Cortisone: that is why I gained 50 pounds (!). Afterwards everything got better, and then in May 2007 another episode, during which my right eye was affected. Everything looked blurry. They put me in a different hospital and I got Cortisone again and then, again, MS suspected!! I am SHOCKED and still my suspicions have been confirmed; there are so many with a similar progression. I think that lastly the vaccinations triggered it and will never get a vaccination again, which I would recommend everyone else, too (in other words not to be vaccinated). Of course the doctors all deny that there is a connection – that would be a contradiction in itself for mainstream medicine!


S.H., 08.11.1990, female



My daughter had her first vaccination in May of the last year. The side effects such as headaches, nausea and dizziness were manageable. In July she had the second vaccination and the side effects increased. She was starting to faint and she was experiencing mid-cycle bleeding, which prompted her daughter to prescribe a different anti-baby pill. It did not occur to me that any of these things had anything to do with the vaccination. Then she had my third vaccination in December. Her arm hurt for several days and she had diarrhea and a stomach ache. At some point her lymph nodes were swollen. We consulted a doctor who did blood work, but it was inconclusive. Everything fine, they said. Sometimes she was fine for 3 to 4 days and then it all started again. She was now having problems with her vision. A week later tingling in her hands and legs. We went to the doctor again. Nor result. Psychological, they said. And then it all happened at once. My daughter was unable to climb stairs and could not walk, could not write because she was unable to hold a pen. On Sunday, May 4, per ambulance to the hospital, neurological ward. Diagnosis - Guillain Barre Syndrom.  By Tuesday the paralysis had transferred to legs and arms. The left side of her face was so lax it looked like she had had a stroke!! She was unable to chew. Food had to be strained.  She had to use a feeding cup to drink, which was almost impossible unless she held her arms tight by her side and bent her hands which were almost immobile. It was terrible to watch. Girl friends and her homeroom teacher left the hospital in tears and very shocked. She received an immunoglobulin therapy over 5 days and got a little better but she was still in a lot of pain and had a horrible headache. She started at the rehabilitation clinic on May 27. She can walk again, although there are limitations. She has to relearn a lot of things. The left side of her face is still impaired and her resting pulse is 100 to 120, her liver values are high. Before she had the vaccinations she had never been sick but was always a lively and fun-loving girl. For heaven’s sake -  I can only urgently advise all mothers to not have their daughters vaccinated!!!!!! Nobody is able to tell us what else can happen.


S.S.,03.03.1995, female



My daughter Samira was vaccinated with Gardasil the first time in August 2007. She had never experienced such pain during a vaccination before; she couldn’t move her arm for days out of pain.  Her health deteriorated consistently and she was tired all the time. She had a hard time concentrating and was absolutely beat. 4 weeks after the 1st vaccination she fainted. Often she was dizzy. In October she had the second vaccination and in March 2008 the third one. I do not recognize my own child any longer: she is tired all the time, has no strength and cannot concentrate at all. More and more often Samira has to be picked up at school because she is so dizzy and then she faints. No doctor has been interested in the fact that it is my assumption that her condition has to do with the vaccination.  Samira was turned inside out at the hospital for days and they said EVERYTHING was just FINE. MY FOOT! Aside from small things like the fact that she is much more prone to getting infections, her joints her and she has stomach aches and bad headaches, she isn’t enjoying life as much. If you feel like writing to me or if someone knows what a homeopath could do to help her, here is how you can get in touch:
and PLEASE report your cases, otherwise they can continue merrily advertising Gardasil.


L.B., 02.08.2007, male


Infanrix hexa

Vaccination day was 13.3.08 at 10 a.m., at 6 pm all he could do was cry bitterly. He was totally sensitive to touch, his temperature was 38.6 C. I then tried to give him a paracetamol suppository. At 6 pm everything got even worse. He couldn’t turn his head and I wasn’t allowed to touch his neck. So we went to the hospital and they took blood to check if he had meningitis, which he thankfully did not. He screamed until 10 pm and then he fell asleep. He was examined at 1:30 am again but by that time he was smiling again. The doctors at the hospital rated it as a vaccine reaction; at least that is what they said to me. That was the 6-fold vaccination.


But it got worse when he had the second vaccination. This time it was a 5-fold vaccination. Vaccination day was May 19, 2008, 11 am. The vaccine was administered in Lucas’s left leg, about 1 h after the vaccination his leg hurt. I gave him pain killers. The next day we went to the doctor’s. The injection site looked inconspicuous. Diagnosis: slight relieving posture; sensitive to touch, nothing special. On 21.5.08 he developed a fever which lasted for 4 days. Temperature went up to 40.8 C.
We were at the pediatrician’s three times during those four days.  We were told to give him Nurofen and paracetamol, which we did.

5 days later the fever was gone. It was diagnosed as being 3-day fever. He had a rash all over his body.

Until now (29.5.08) he is unable to bend his leg. His pediatrician does not think this is alarming.

We started seeing a different pediatrician, she took his blood right away, and we are still waiting for the results. She was either unwilling or unable why he cannot bend his leg. She wants to be absolutely sure. She called the last pediatrician. I don’t know what they talked about. We are really worried about our baby but nobody is willing to tell us what is wrong with his leg. If need be I’ll change doctors again.


P.S.,29.05.1991, male


1.Hep.B(NE 38160) +FSME (Encepur)

2 weeks after the vaccination no strength on the right side in legs and arms (hand), so we went to the doctor’s who sent us to the neurologist, who sent us to the hospital on account of suspected stroke/MS; MRT, liquor exam which resulted in 4 lesions on the brain, cortisone therapy for 10 days, symptoms slightly better, afterwards no medication necessary and rehabilitation in Enzensberg for three weeks and now at home where I get ergotherapy and physiotherapy and continue to hope. My son was always healthy and had no symptoms at all.


A.G., 18.06.1993, female



I am not sure if the problems are due to the vaccination. Anna fainted during a football training session on 05.05.08; she was without consciousness for 25 min. and was then admitted to the hospital checked from head to foot ( CT,MRT,EEG EKG ultrasound, etc.) inconclusive, and the blood work is inconspicuous, too. She left the hospital six days later. She was at home over Whitsun and we noticed that she had changed; she has a hard time finding the right words, she is dizzy, nauseous, has headaches and vision impairment, respiratory problems and she sweats a lot. Since Feb. 08 she has had headaches a lot, also stomachaches, but only occasionally. Physically she has been very fit and we were not aware of any physical ailments. On 16.05.08 she was admitted to the hospital again (Neuropediatrics in Oldenburg) and all of the exams were repeated and supplemented. Inconclusive again. We are at the end of our wits. To me her symptoms seem like she is having heart problems, but from a cardiological perspective there were no symptoms except low blood pressure. Can all of this have to do with the vaccination?


A.S., 07.10.1990, female



On 26.1.2007 I had my first HPV vaccination. My gynecologist had recommended that I have it. The same day (about midnight) I collapsed (extreme dizziness/nausea) which stopped after 10 minutes. In the beginning I chalked it off as being \"normal\" circulatory problems and had the second vaccination done on 23.3.07. This time around the side effects already started 2 hours after the vaccination while I was at work at my student job. I was really sick to my stomach and dizzy. I went home immediately. I could not seem to be able to get up off of the coach because I was so sick to my stomach and at about 5 pm I vomited for the first time, which repeated itself every ten minutes. This went on until my mom called the hospital at about 9 pm and we were admitted to hospital. They checked all of my vital signs which, according to the doctor, were alarming. I immediately received a mix of infusions for dizziness and nausea. After half an hour I felt better again and we were able to drive home again. As we were leaving the doctor was very emphatic in his recommendation not to have the third vaccination under any circumstances, as in his opinion he could not exclude that it was possible that my body would go into shock if I did and it could be fatal. I did not hesitate in skipping the third vaccination!

Since then time I periodically experience bouts of diarrhea which can last for days anomy immune system is very weakened, which has led to influenza and several bladder infections, which in the mean time I have gotten under control thanks to very good homeopathic treatment. From the onset my mother and I were convinced that these incidences were not random but that they had to do with Garadasil. My gynecologist, however, does not agree at all after we had told him about what we though. The listlessness and fatigue have been constant since the vaccination (except for a few \"exceptions\"). Moreover, I have been plagued by VERY severe headaches which can lost for quite some time, which can hardly be kept at bay with aspirins, etc. Sometimes (since 4 weeks) I also have continuous pain in the nape of my neck. Since a few days (more than one year since the vaccination!) I have been suffering from headaches constantly. They do not disappear for even a second.  Since yesterday I have had constant pain in my legs which impact all of my joints periodically.  The feeling is comparable to bursts of growth you have when you are a child sometimes it feels like the joints are tied with a cord...
I am now very nervous and will be consulting a doctor in a few days. I think that there can be no doubt that these symptoms have something to do with the vaccination, too and I am VERY happy that I heeded the advice of the doctor and my mother and that I did not have the vaccination done
AI also would like to tell all girls and women who are reading these case histories and who also suffer from these symptoms to report what happened to them!


P.H., 21.08.93, female



My daughter had no adverse reactions to the first two vaccinations at all. Last Tuesday she got her third vaccination. Saturday (4 days later) she developed red dots on her hands and feet and a feeling of tension in her hands, accompanied by itchiness. Today (6 days later) the red dots have spread all over her body. Her skin is swollen, especially on her hands and feet. I went to the pediatrician with her immediately. He thinks it could be an allergy and that it could also be a mouth, hand and foot disease. When I asked him whether he thought it could also be a reaction to the vaccination he said it would then have to have happened immediately after the vaccination. I am not sure that he is right. I read up on it on the internet and I have also read a number of reports by girls who also reported having had rashes.


J.S., 26.07.2006, female


5-fold vaccination

After her 5-fold vaccination my daughter (she was 6 months old at the time) was incapable of doing things like lifting her head and flipping over when she was on her stomach; she had been able to do these things before. She was unable to turn, sit and crawl until she was 11 months old. Our doctor told us to go and see a neurologist because she thought our little girl had a neurological problem.

I went to a naturopath with her instead. He determined that my daughter had vaccine damage. The vaccinations were led out and after two weeks already she could sit. After the second treatment she started crawling again and 3 months later she walked.


T.G, 16.06.1985, female



On 28.04.08 FSME vaccination + formic acid (against hay fever – I can highly recommend it!!)

Everything was fine that day!


1st day after the vaccination (the first FSME one in my life), 1x sharp pain in my head accompanied by dizziness and cribbling from head to foot on both sides, after approx. 5 everything was over.  
2nd day: evenings, intervals becoming shorter and shorter – first every 10 minutes, then every 5 minutes, then virtually non stop sharp pain in my head (usually on the right side, vaccination however was in my left arm), dizziness, cribbling (like when your foot falls asleep, all over my body, emergency room after these attacks because nobody knew what was happening to me. Totally dizzy, 2 infusions + 3 shots, told them that I had had an FSME vaccination and formic acid the same day. No exams, no blood work, nothing. Just the allergy blockers and infusions which was supposed to make everything better right away.

3rd day: nothing better, after emergency room the day before, everything returned. Sudden pain in my head, tingling, dizziness, headaches as bad as migraines.

Emergency room again, blood work, all the numbers okay, and doctors clueless 4 hours later. The recommendation was for me to see a neurologist.

4th day: inconspicuous except for 2... L \"attacks\" which passed quickly, usually 5 minute ones, everything gone.

6th day: inconspicuous to the evening. Then the attacks again in short sequences, but this time with additional nausea. Continuing numbness and nausea as the feeling could not be classified (sharp pain, tingling, dizziness). Another visit to the emergency room, possible cause: migraine without a headache … (is there something like that?), got shots, but no improvement. A shot for the numbness (but I had tingling and not numbness) but that did not help either. I was admitted to the hospital.

7th+8th day: in bed and hooked up to a monitor… continued to have the attacks in the hospital but no more sharp pains in my head. More and more on the right side – arm and leg, a feeling of paralysis. My toes felt like they were stretched far apart, but they weren’t … right middle finger, feeling of paralysis but I was able to move it

9th day: appointment with the neurologist. TAKES THE CAKE!!!!!!!!!
I told him about the „attacks“and the feeling of paralysis. Neurologist tested my eyes for typical sense of balance, all of them inconspicuous. Asks if I have stress, problems and burden, which I was able to negate (stress-no, problems-no) no organic problems. Thus I was told I had a PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASE and should see a psychiatrist!

After this incident I had them give me my papers and I left the hospital immediately.
10th day: Appointment with family doctor, where I described the course and incidents of the past days. He thinks it is FSME vaccine damage. He tested it with kinesiology. In Germany kinesiology is not an accepted mode of treatment but my experiences with it have been good.


I have now been given homeopathic medication which is supposed to help … it has not helped so far. Presently: left side-arm-+leg-\"feeling of paralysis\". Frequently I think I am going to trip over my own foot. Left arm very heavy. But I walk normally and from the outside nothing unusual …
If there is anyone who has questions or recommendations, please get in touch with me:



S.B., 11.09.1993, female



Our daughter’s first vaccination was 7 and half months ago!!! Unfortunately she has not gotten better yet.

Periodically she feels better and she could now attend school for two weeks without staying home, but she doesn’t have enough energy for afternoon activities (horse back riding, going shopping, and meeting friends).

She has headaches, sore throats, back aches, joint pain and heavy legs – symptoms she has learned to accept without even mentioning them. But her psyche is suffering because she never feels fit and strong and we are unable to make plans. The dizziness and the nausea have improved thanks to the homeopathic remedies. She doesn’t really like to eat anymore! At any rate, we have found a gynecologist who was ready to report it to Sanofi - but as yet there has been no reaction.

We are clueless and continue to hope that time will take care of it and that there will be no lasting damages.


N.H.,  04.08.1991, female



She reacted to the first two vaccinations quite well. The third vaccination was administered at about 10:30 a.m. About 1.5 hours later my daughter felt faint which kept occurring throughout the day. 7 hours later she had the chills, joint pains, and a headache and felt really sick. She looked like she had been sick for quite some time and her general condition were not good at all.  A back pain was starting in the area of the lumbar vertebrae on both sides.

The next day she had really bad back pains when she woke up, the pain was virtually intolerable. Dizziness, headaches. She slept almost all day long, couldn’t keep her eyes open. She felt sick to her stomach. She couldn’t eat, she could only drink. She had a fever all night long.

The second day after the vaccination she had a stiff neck, cramps in her shoulder and in her calves. She was sick to her stomach all the time, the headaches continued, she was tired all the time, had heart palpitations when she walked up the stairs. Towards the evening the pain in her shoulders got so bad that the headache got worse. She could almost not get up.

The third day after the vaccination she seemed slightly better. She continued to be dizzy, was fatigued and weak, but her shoulder pain is somewhat better but has not abated. She’s been to the doctor who says that there is no indication of a virus and that it is almost certainly the effect of the third vaccination. The fourth day after the vaccination our daughter is still at home sick.

Conclusion: Our daughter has never been this sick in her whole life, every day there were new and indefinable symptoms that kept us very worried. We did not want to go to an emergency ward because we did not know what they would administer and what the effect would be in combination with this new vaccine. Therefore our family doctor was perplexed, too. We would therefore not recommend that anyone have this vaccination as the effects are unpredictable. According to the information provided by our doctor, the package slip of Gardasil said that possible side effects were fever and joint pain. Our daughter’s condition was so alarming that I would never ever have this vaccination administered again.


M.H., male


Polio, HIP, Tetanus, Croup, Diphtheria in 5-fold combination

Hello, as of late I have been becoming ever more irritated when parents who do not want to have their children vaccinated are made to feel guilty from all sides. It is something I have noticed because measles are spreading here at the Swiss border.
Our case is like that. When our son Manual was born he was a healthy boy. He developed quickly. I had certain reservations about the vaccination as I myself had suffered from fever cramps for three years after I had been vaccinated against the pox. The doctors told me that vaccinations were easier to tolerate nowadays and that there was no reason for me to be worried. But nobody really told me about the side effects, even though the package inserts describe severe side effects after vaccinations.

The doctor kept mentioning the vaccination and so we decided to have our boy vaccinated. That turned out to be a huge mistake. After the first vaccination my boy came down with a case of neurodermatitis. Of course this had nothing to do with the vaccination according to the doctor. When he was 15 months old he was vaccinated against hepatitis B the second time. Two weeks later he had a bladder infection and his first fever cramp. As of that time we had to battle fever cramps every time he had an infection. What was so bad was that as a precautionary measure we had to give him diazepam for 48 hours (he was 15 months old at the time). But according to the doctor this had nothing to do with the vaccination either, rather it was genetics since I suffer from them, too.

After that we postponed further vaccinations on account of the infections. Yet we still had confidence in our doctor. When our boy was 2 years old it all started up again. Every time we were at the doctor’s we were told that it was time for booster shots and at some point we finally gave him. He got the 5-fold vaccination in May 2000. As of this day our life became sheer hell. He stopped sleeping at night, was awake a lot and aggressive. In the beginning we did not think anything of it. Still I felt that something was wrong.  He had changed. Two weeks later he came down with a fever and had cramps. He was treated with antibiotics. Then he got a rash. After the rash he had his first cramp that was not accompanied by fever. Within 3 months the cramps have gotten so bad that the EEC indicates that he is becoming severely disabled on account of the cramps. The doctor was of the opinion that he was no longer registering anything. That is when they started Valproat. At the time he was having about 8 grand mal attacks during the day, and at night an additional 3 to 4, also absences and fits. To this day his epilepsia has not been classified and after several stays at the hospital that lasted for months they still have not adjusted him correctly.  He is 10 years old, cannot speak right and is completely backward in his development. He has 3 strong medications and we also need Rivoltrill and Diazepam. The fits have stopped and happen only at night, but 2-3 nights a week with 2-3 attacks continue. He can hardly go to school.

For us as parents this means that we have not had a good night’s sleep in 8 years and that we are continuously near the breaking point. Once he almost died
when he had an attack that lasted for more than 80 minutes. There were times when I did not even unpack the suitcase for the hospital, we had to go there every four weeks, minimum due to the status attacks. And there is no hope for improvement. He needs the medications and that is why homeopathic treatments have been without any success so far. We have spent more than 20000 Euros on alternative treatment methods, but our application for vaccine damage was turned down as they say he inherited it from me. I am only of the opinion that the parents’ decision should be respected. Everywhere they push you to have the vaccinations, at school and even in the kindergartens. The press tells you that you have an obligation towards society. But does anyone in society care about those who have suffered vaccine damage? Whose life was destroyed, the reason being \"This was force majeur\". Having vaccine damage recognized means fighting in a court with a lawyer for years. As parents you are the ones who have the onus of proof and I have never found a doctor who would support us. So there is no chance we would get financial help from the government. Absolutely nobody is interested in how we are doing. How we are going to survive with a child that is 100% handicapped which needs help all the time. No. And I am mad that it is virtually impossible to prove that there was vaccine damage and when the damage is detected within 24 hours it takes more than 10 years until it is recognized.

I think that the decision whether to have a vaccination or not should be left to the individual and that that individual should not have a guilty conscience. And I believe that doctors should finally give patients sound advice. For the rest of my life I will blame myself that I trusted the doctor, because my intuition kept telling me something else. And if there are prior diseases in the family then I can only advise everyone to consider the pros and cons very carefully.


J.K., 23.10.1980, female



Our daughter was vaccinated against rotaviruses when she was 10 weeks old This vaccination was paid for by our health care provider. Since she was born she did not need much sleep and she never cried a lot. Her great interest in her surroundings was very evident. For reasons we could not understand on the second day after the vaccination she started screaming. Ten days after the vaccination she became apathetic or she had screaming fits. Her temperature was elevated. I no longer recognized my own child. Now her condition is improving but she continues to sleep all day long and has no interest in her surroundings.


J.H., 26.10.1992, female



5 days after the first vaccination: dizziness followed by severe headaches and sensitivity to light and sounds, nausea after eating, pain in the legs (muscles and joints), then a sore throat and everything was blamed on angina. Symptoms did not disappear even though the angina had healed after 2 weeks. Blood work showed that there was no Borreliosis, nothing. For the last week she has been turned inside out at the children’s hospital and they have not determined anything yet (MRT, brain pressure, breathing test, everything inconspicuous). The doctors acted like my suspicion that it could be vaccination damage was crazy and a figment of my motherly imagination. As of tomorrow we will start homeopathic treatment and I hope that she will improve. At any rate I am never going to let my daughter have a vaccination again.


K.B., 29.12.07, male


Infanrix hexa, Prevenar

Initially restlessness and a slight fever, 38.7. Two days later he shakes his head frequently for no reason at all (throws his head back and forth constantly, independently of the time of day).
He also has problems breathing at times.


B.M., 13.02.45, male



The vaccination was supposed to be especially suitable for people who are older than 60 when they have to stay in bed, like when they come down with pneumonia, like I did in 1994.

Right after the vaccination on 7.7.07 I suffered from joint pain and pain around my heart, so that I called the doctor on call a few hours later because I was afraid I was having a heart attack. But instead I was admitted to the hospital where they determined that my heart was fine except for my very high blood pressure, which I get when I am under stress. They did not comment on the high fever, lack of appetite, etc, but instead said that it was an effect of the vaccination. However – and this is what is interesting – I know three other people who also had this vaccination (in various intervals, I had my second one) and who had the following symptoms: joint pain, pain around the heart (1 day), vomiting (1 day), chills (3rd .. 4thday), fever (4…5 days) and lack of appetite which lasts longer (3 weeks). The strange thing is that you feel like you have come down with a cold but that is not confirmed by sneezing or coughing. I would be interested in hearing whether other people have experienced the same thing. Maybe those people try to just ignore the symptoms. Maybe they don’t have internet. But I would be interested in getting help and I am going to discuss it with my doctor the next time I see him in May.


M.M., 12.07.1982, female


FSME Encepur

Last week I was vaccinated against FSME and Hepatitis a+b. The next day I had an elevated temperature between 37.5 and 38, joint pain, tension in my neck, fatigue, nausea, a painful swelling at the site of injection against FSME. The same day I went to the doctor and he said that it had nothing to do with the vaccination and that I had an infection. The site was not dramatic and they rubbed cream on it. Yesterday I went to the doctor again. The site of injection is still swollen. The doctor thinks that I have an allergy against the FSME vaccine and that the swelling could last for up to four weeks. Since yesterday the arm I got the vaccine in is tingling and my fingers feel numb. When I called the doctor he said it had nothing to do with the vaccination and that it was a neurological problem. Of course!

I don’t know if it has anything to do with the vaccination but I think it does. I would not refer to it as vaccine damage; I hope the symptoms will disappear again. I have never had any reactions to a vaccination and I am basically in favor of vaccinations. I will not be as lighthearted about it the next time I get a vaccination.   
I have lost my confidence. If you have experienced something similar, please get in touch with me:


G.B., 03.04.1964, female



My daughter Ronja was vaccinated with Gardasil Fer.0.5 ml in December 2007. In January she had the second vaccination. Since then my daughter has had problems with her circulation. Her blood pressure rises within minutes, for no reason at all and quite a lot. She has had quite a few checkups: thyroid, cardiologist, neurologist, ear doctor, eye doctor, and dentist. Nothing has been determined.

Because I know that the medication was approved in a fast-track procedure and maybe her problems are side effects which were not known. I think the fact that the side effects started so soon after the vaccination is very obvious.

I would like to ask you to get in touch with me as soon as possible as I am very worried about my daughter’s health and the doctors are at the end of their rope and my daughter is doing very poorly so that when she has the seizures she cannot attend school. Her life is very limited due to these problems.

After the vaccination my daughter said that she had experienced a lot of pain at the site of injection, which got all red and swollen, and now she has experienced the same thing after the second vaccination. The second vaccination was administered 4 weeks ago. The site of injection is still swollen and she says that it hurts to touch it.

Today, 20.04.2008 my daughter is still not feeling much better, the Polyneuritis she had in her legs has gotten much worse.


C.F., 11.11.1980, female


FMSE - Encepur

I was vaccinated against FSME on 14.04.08. That evening my arm hurt a lot.

The next morning my arm continued to hurt and I was unable to lift it – I thought that was normal at the time. But the same evening I had really bad pains in my joints, in my feet, my back and arms and I had stomach cramps.

The next morning, however the pain was gone, only the arm still hurt. All day long I kept feeling sick to my stomach.

Today the arm I got the vaccination in felt numb, but the tips of my fingers
were tingling. Then I felt sick to my stomach, developed a headache and sharp pains in my chest.  Of course I went right to the doctor who said that it was side effects and reactions to my vaccination and that they do not happen very often. He told me to go see a neurologist where I went, too. The neurologist tested me and told me that it was not acute and that it was a reaction to the vaccinations and that I should come again the next day.

I hope that that was the end of it and that things will not get worse again, like with the other cases.


V.W., 24.04.1989, female



I was healthy when I was born, and when I was about one year old I was vaccinated against polio. My mother tells me that after the vaccination I came down with high fever and that there was a big red spot on my leg and that that spot got all hot.  After the vaccination I was unable to sit or crawl and I dragged my leg. I am now 18 years old and I think for the rest of my life I will be disfigured. I want to fight it. At the time I was operated at a special clinic. They removed a muscle from my leg and implanted it in my hip. My mother was still young and she was inexperienced, so she did not take anyone to court except for once, but she did not know what to do so she lost the case and the doctors did not really understand her, except for one, but my mother lost track of him.


C.H., 16.06.1984, female



Hi. I am 23 years old and on 27.09.2007 I had my first vaccination, which did not hurt at all. On 28.09.07 I could no longer move my arm, it hurt a lot, on I was at work in the hospital and at 7.00 o’clock I had a bad attack of asthma accompanied by a panic attack which made me dizzy. They sent me home!!! The following three weeks I went to doctors’ non-stop. In the morning I was bothered by a lot of phlegm, which was green when I coughed it up and my feet, which were red and swollen, hurt a lot. I saw more doctors and in December 2007 the doctor’s diagnosis was asthma hmm, me and asthma, that’s an unlikely pair. I exercise a lot and I am not out of breath, they gave me antibiotics for a week but in January I will in a lot of pain, my joints were inflamed, okay, so I took antibiotics again and cortisone and now because I had been given 5 different antibiotics in 2 months they gave me some more medication that was supposed to loosen up my phlegm. Then they did a bronchoscopy, which was negative, so they gave me some more antibiotics because I wasn’t getting any better. 2nd vaccination on 6.12.2007 and my ailments continued to get worse so that my family practitioner sent me to the rheumatologist and he said I had rheumatism, which is an auto-immune disease (the cells in my body attack the other cells because they cannot tell them apart) and now since January I have been taking Sulfasalazin and cortisone and all the problems have disappeared and I feel great.  Can walk again and I laugh and I’m rid of all that phlegm and everything is just great except for the fact that I have to take medication for the rest of my life because of Gardasil. The vaccine changed my life. I am not going to have the third shot administered and I don’t want to die and I hope that no one else will get vaccinations, either because the danger is just too great. If other people have these symptoms too they can get in touch with me if they want to because it is sure not easy


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