More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


Vaccines and the immune system


Vaccines interfere with our immune system. This to one extent is a desired effect, however may also have sideeffects which can not be foreseen and possibly entail unknown long term sideeffects. Today's vaccinations are merely examined in the short term studies, long term studies on the effects of vaccination, do not exist.


Vaccines and infections

Time over time it is being argued that vaccinations can lead to a general susceptibility to infections. In a study by Jaber it was found that after a vaccination the occurance of infections in children significantly rose (JABER, L. CLINICAL PEDIATRICS 1988; 27:491-494.).


After the measles vaccination, there is a significant reduction in the lymphocytes count and (NICHOLSON, JKA OF J AIDS 1992, 5:528-537) the function (Hirsch, RL CLINICAL AND Immunol Immunopathol 1981, 21:341-350) These types of white blood cells, are responsible among other things for example: the defense of viral infections. The MMR vaccine temporarily suppresses the function of neutrophil leukocytes (for the defense of bacterial infections such as competent white bloddcells) (Toraldo, R.. ACTA PAED 1992, 81:887-890).


Vaccines and autoimmune diseases


Repeatedly are case reports and studies which indicate that vaccinations may exacerbate or trigger an autoimmune illness. (FOURNEAU JM. MOL IMMUNOL 2004;40(14-15):1095-102 , HERNAN MA. Neuology 2004;63:772-3 ,RAVEL G. TOXICOLOGY 2004;196(3)211-6 , WRAITH DC. LANCET 2003;462(9396):1659-66 , BORCHERS AT. J INVESTIG ALLERGOL CLIN IMMUNOL 2002;12(3):155-68 , SAADOUN, D. REV MED INTERNE 2001 FEB;22(2):172-6 , OLDER, SA. SEMIN Arthritis RHEUM 1999 DEC;29(3):131-9 , NEUSTAEDTER, R. THE VACCINE GUIDE. BERKELEY 1996 , KALDEN JR. DMW 1992, 117, 1259 ,).


For example, the Institute of Medicine, writes that it is biologically plausible that the injection of an inactivated virus, a bacterium or a live weakend virus in a sensitive recipient can trigger an autoimmune response by means of deregulation of the immune response,addressed against the myelin proteins and unspecified activation of T cells, or by an autoimmune reaction due to sequential similarity of the vaccine proteins with myelin proteins.(INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE ADVERSE EVENTS ASSOCIATED WITH CHILDHOOD VACCINES. WASHINGTON, DC: NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS, 1994 ).

In recent decades, a significant increase in diabetes (a 30% increase in children under 4 years have been registered in the last 20 years), Crohn's disease (a 10-fold increase from 1950 to 1990), multiple sclerosis and rheumatic diseases. Even in childhood ages. Autoimmune diseases are increasing conspicuously in industrialized and medically advanced countries. One in twenty persons in Europe or North America acquires such a disease in the course of his life. An increase in diabetes was registered with the American and Finnish children after introduction of the vaccination against hepatitis B, Hib, Pertussis, and MMR.

In Germany a increase of over 50% in diabetes patients and this of 4 year old children have been registered since 1996. (ESPED (Erhebungseinheit fuer seltene paediatrische Erkrankungen in Deutschland): Jahresbericht 2002., Galler, A., Rothe, U., Stange, T., Kunath, H. et al.: Haufigkeit und klinische Charakteristika des Diabetes mellitus Typ 1 im Kindesalter in Sachsen. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2004, 152:163-168).


Not only vaccines, but also natural infections can lead to autoimmune reactions of the body, however a natural infection differs in three important aspects from a vaccine infection. The route of the infection is different, the vaccine is injected directly into the body and does not take a "detour" through the mucous membranes.

A recent study of the Coxsackie virus shows what serious repercussions, of this seemingly small difference, can make: This normally relative harmless cold virus may, if  artificially administered instead of the natural way by means of the respiratory mucus, produce symptoms similar to those of poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis): it comes to the same kind of paralysis, which is usually triggered only by the polio virus. To the immune system it also appears to play a big role, whether it is confronted with the disease by means of the natural or an artificially produced path. (Andrew Dufresne und Matthias Gromeier 2004, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)


In addition to this, vaccines contain additives designed to enhance the a body's response to the pathogen. Meaning the pathogen vaccine has now aboslutley nothing in common with the natural agents, and can possibly even change the antigenicity (effect of the agent) altogether.

Vaccines and allergies

Avoiding early contact with certain proteins as a measure of allergy prevention, is still today recognized as standard in pediatrics. Nevertheless, contrary that its being recommended that all children have a 7-fold vaccination beginning at the age of  9 weeks each, with unphysiological direct antigen-blood contact through the administration using a syringe. (


There are a number of studies that suggest the connection between vaccination and allergic predisposition.(SHAW, F.E. AM J OF EPID 1988; 127:337-352. )

Thus, the allergy rate among children who grew up by means of an anthroposophic philosophy (specifically through cultivating conscientiously a form of thinking independent of sensory experience) is much lower. Anthroposophical children differ from non-Anthroposophical educated children among others the MMR vaccination rates are much lower. (ALM, J.S. LANCET 1999 MAY 1;353(9163):1485-8 ).

In a comparison of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, the latter showing a recent U.S. survey a significantly higher rate of asthma and allergic diseases. (ENRIQUEZ, R. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2005 Apr;115(4):737-44. )

This is also the conclusion of an Austrian study using over 1000 children. In this case, the health of unvaccinated children in a written survey had been investigated.There had been no Asthma occurring among unvaccinated children, and allergies had a maximum rate of 2.8%.

Even in a small Japanese study, a correlation between atopic diseases had been found.


After the DTPertussis vaccine 25% of the subjects developed asthma and only 2.3% of unvaccinated developed asthma (10 out of 39 vs.1 of 43), 18% of vaccinees and 2.3% of the unvaccinated developed atopic dermatitis (7 of 39 vs. 1 of 43)(Yoneyama H, Suzuki M, Fujii K, Odajima Y. The effect of DPT and BCG vaccinations on atopic disorders. Arerugi. 2000 Jul;49(7):585-92).


The aluminum contained in many vaccines stimulates also the production of allergy antibodies (IgE) (BREWER, J.M. J IMMUNOL 1999;163:6448-54 , NEUZIL, K.M. VACCINE 1997;15(5):525-32 , NOSSAL, G.J. LANCET 1997;350(9087):1316-9 , GUPTA R.K. PHARM BIOTECHNOL 1995;6:229-48 ) .Even a infection thru the measles vaccine virus leads to an increase in the production of allergy immunoglobulin (IgE) (Imani F. Clin Immunol. 2001 Sep; 100 (3) :355-61.).


The Vaccine Timeframe

The timeframe of child vaccinations simutaniously coincides with the development of the nervous and immune system of children.

The importance of bringing forth the strength and direction of a relationship between the vaccine time window and the maturation of the immune system becomes evident of fact during the "time windowed vaccination of premature children (as recommended in Germany) up to 20% of vaccinated children resulted in some life interruptive circumstance or circulatory problems.(SLACK, MH. ARCH DIS CHILD FETAL NEONATAL ED 1999 JUL;81(1)F67-8 , SEN S. Acta Paediatr. 2001 Aug;90(8):916-20. ).

More recent work suggests that the presence of maternal antibodies in newborns (Passive immunity) in the case of vaccination against the disease in question, may have led to allergie incubation in the immune response. Confirmation of these results can be used as a strong argument for a later vaccine time window. (HOLT, PG. VACCINE VOLUME 21, ISSUE 24, 28 July 2003, Pages 3432-3435 ).


Brain development

The brain in humans, as compared to other organs, has a very long development time. During the first year of life this development half of the growth takes place.

(mainly the enlargement and differentiation of nerve cells), but also an increased myelination, ie myelin sheath formation and the formation of nerve connections (synapses) take place. The development of the receptors and transmitter systems has also peaked in the first two years of life.(Rodier P.M.: Developing brain as target of toxicity. Environ Health Perspect 1995, 103 Suppl 6: 73-6). During this time, the brain is particularly sensitive to disturbances caused by toxic substances.


Increased permeability to toxins: myelination, blood-brain barrier (BBB)

The incomplete myelination of the nerves and the blood-brain barrier make infants in particularly vulnerable to toxins. During early childhood neurological development has surrounded the nerves only gradually with the myelin sheath, the process begins at birth in the brainstem and developes itself in the second decade of life into the cerebral cortex. The myelinated nerves have a faster conductive state and are also less susceptible to neurotoxins. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) forms a protective barrier in front of the central nervous system toxins and pathogens and the infant is still very vunerable (for toxic substances, mercury, aluminum).

Differentiation of nerve cells

During the development of the brain differentiate into nerve cells from so-called pluripotent stem cells. This differentiation is achieved by special closing of certain genes. This is done by switching off genes, within the methyl groups (CH³). All genes marked as such, do not get expressed or are they enabled. Transmitted is a epigenetic regulation, also called signaling molecules, or nerve growth factors, such as IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) or methionine synthase.Toxins, such as aluminum or thiomersal may submit, disrupt or inhibit a nerve growth and thus lead to slippage of nerve cells, such as a deficient or defective sprouting of axons formation, which may disrupted the nerve cells.

A part of the healthy population has a genetic low concentration of the mentioned signaling molecules, aka/called methylation deficiency. Such persons are particularly vulnerable to suffer through harmful influences in early childhood stages with neurological disorders.

The American researcher Waly showed in his experiment with human neuroblastoma cells, that ethanol and various metals such as copper, lead, above all mercury and aluminum exercise a strong obstructing effect on nerve growth.

Immunization protection

So a vaccine has an epidemiological benefit at least 90% of the population must be vaccinated. However the vaccine immunity is but significantly worse than the immunity after withstanding of the disease. This can lead to more and more babies which become ill for passive immunity is by far too low due to vaccine antibodies. On the other hand it is not clear as to the actual duration of immunity after a vaccination (especially in regards to live vaccines). A senior may have decreased antibodies and thus the disappearance of vaccine immunity alltogether risks a renewed disease.

Since vaccinations do not provide 100% immunity protection for the body, thus by means of increasing immunisation rates also comes an increase of susceptible persons, and that inspite of these vaccinations .

Example, measles: (Keep in mind that vaccines are a mild version of the actual disease meaning that the body being vaccinated is perfectly healthy at the time of vaccination) Ergo: 10% of vaccinated persons after the 1st Vaccination are no longer immune, with a population of 100,000 people, for example, the math arises:


  • with a vaccination coverage of 50% of the population susceptible 50,000 non-vaccinated and susceptible 5000 vaccinated,
  • with a vaccination coverage of 90%, however, susceptible 10,000 Non-Vaccinated and 9000 susceptible vaccinated,
  • with a vaccination coverage of 95% 5000 susceptible non-vaccinated and 9500 susceptible vaccinated
  • From a vaccination rate of over 90% more are affected by an epidemic  than those unvaccinated.

The value of children's diseases

On the side of the vaccine critics  it is repeatedly argued that normal children undergoing traditional diseases like measles, mumps and rubella for the affected children had a high value and is often associated with a development or maturation of thrust.


In recent years it has been a primarily relationship of disorders in childhood allergic have been demonstrated , autoimmune, as well as to malignant diseases:
Adults who experienced measles as children have a reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis . (ALBONICO HU. MED HYPOTHESES 1998;51(4):315-20 )
Women who had mumps as a child, have a significantly lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. (WEST R. CANCER 1966;19:1001-7 , NEWHOUSE ML. BR J PREV SOC MED 1997;31:148-53 )

Feverlike infections in the first year of life, are associated with a significantly reduced risk of allergies. (WILLIAMS, L.K. J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL 2004;1113;291-6) .

An upper airway viral infection in the first 2 years of life, significantly reduces the risk of an allergic respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma later in life.(MUTIUS, E. SCHWEIZ MED WOCHENSCHRIFT,1998 Nov 21;128(47):1833-9. ). Also, a Mexican study shows the reliving of scarlet lowers the risk of developing asthma. (Vargas, MH. Respir Med. 2005 Jun 6 )

Similarly, these infections could play a protective effect/role against malignant diseases : the risk of the most common form of childhood leukemia (ALL) was smaller, had the child gone through the natural state of infections, during their early childhood years.


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