More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


State of health of vaccinated children/persons

The survey is an ongoing project, so if you have vaccinated children please go to the questionnaire for vaccinated children.

If you have unvaccinated children or are unvaccinated yourself, please fill in the questionnaire for unvaccinated children.

Thank you for your support!

Please spread the word!


As we only have 4119 participants so far the results of the survey are not yet representative. Objective is to reach as many participants as in our survey on the state of health of unvaccinated children/persons.



Atopic diseases among vaccinated children




ADS, Hyperactivity, Autism, Sleeping problems, concentration problems and migraine


Otitis media, Sinusitis, Herpes, Warts, Polyps and fungal infections


Fine motor skill problems, dentification problems, growth pains and scoliosis


Diabetes, Epilepsy and seizures, neurological and autoimmune diseases, thyroid disorders



Reported cases:
vaccindamage database

New Children Book!

Sarah english 300 Sarah spanisch 300 Sarah franz 300 Sara ital 300 Sarah russisch 300 Sarah dutch

 VaccineFreebookcoverimageVida sin vacunas cover 150



Please support vaccination-critical information

If you are interested in the work of and would like to receive neutral information pertaining to vaccinations in the future, you can support us by donating some money.