More transparency on vaccines, vaccinations and vaccine injuries


Honestly, I don't feel like I have that much to say about my unvaccinated children

Honestly, I don't feel like I have that much to say about my unvaccinated children.  Their medical history is extremely boring.  They are rarely ill and, if they do catch a cold, it doesn't last long.  They have no developmental abnormalities (granted, I think they are very clever, but not abnormally so).  They have great muscle tone, are active and agile, can focus on tasks... they don't have any problems that I have been able to identify... their childhoods have been blissfully uneventful as far as medical or health issues are concerned.

Reported cases:
vaccindamage database

New Children Book!

Sarah english 300 Sarah spanisch 300 Sarah franz 300 Sara ital 300 Sarah russisch 300 Sarah dutch

 VaccineFreebookcoverimageVida sin vacunas cover 150



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